LatinSummer Final Reports

Final Report: LatinSummer 2004

by Kristen Bortner, S. Douglas Bunch, Matthew D. Webb

Detailed information about the workings of the LatinSummer program. Ideal for those planning similar endeavors. Download the E-book for free!

Paperback: 41 pages
Published: July 2004
Dimensions: 8.5 x 11 inches

Product Description:

LatinSummer is an enrichment program for 1st-5th graders that introduces them to the Classical world through classes in Mythology, Roman Culture, Classical & Conversational Latin, and Ancient Greek Language & Culture. The 44 page report details many aspects of the program. Report includes: program overview, goals, purpose, curriculum outline, budget, enrollment report, class schedule, and evaluations from parents and students. The Final Report is an essential reference for all those who are planning to begin similar programs or who simply want more details about LatinSummer.