Activity & Curriculum Guides

Activitates Liberis, Volume IV: Grades 1-2

edited by Matthew D. Webb

A collection of lessons and activities in Classical art and mythology, Classical and Conversational Latin, and Ancient Roman Culture designed especially for younger elementary school students.

Paperback: 256 pages
Published: August 2004, Revised 2005
Dimensions: 8.5 x 11 inches
E-book: Delivered via email after payment
Product Description:

ACTIVITATES LIBERIS, VOLUME IV, includes more than SIXTY effective and innovative lessons and activities. The volume, designed specifically for 1st and 2nd graders, is perfect for enrichment, everyday classroom use, and standards preparation. Each lesson is extremely detailed, with a complete listing of objectives, materials needed, and procedures. Multitudinous handouts abound. Lessons include...

  • Introductory Activities: Roman Names, Weekdays, Weather
  • Mythology Activities: gods and goddesses, constellations, nature myths, plant & flower myths, transformation myths
  • Conversational Latin Activities: numbers, family, classroom, foods, animals, colors, nature, body parts, verbs, adjectives
  • Sentence Structure Activities: sentence patterns, illustrating Latin sentences, foam & felt sentences, scene/caption cards, story starters
  • Roman Culture Activities: roads, geography of Italy, mosaics, archaeology, clothing, banquets, house, animal figurines
  • Review Activities: the alphabet game, Jeopardy